NA - Permit Renewals

Nights Away

Permit Renewals

Nights Away

Permit Renewals

Nights Away Permits expire after a period of up to five years, after which they are no longer valid. The renewal process operates in the same way as an initial application but the assessment process may vary depending on a number of factors, for example your level of experience, or if you are applying for a higher level permit than you already have.

a,       Make a Nights Away Permit application using the online system. After signing in at Scouts or
Using a PC?
>Click on
>follow the series of drop down menus on the left side of the page as follows
>Scroll down to or select “Programme Support” > “Permits” > “My Permits” > “My Active Permits” 

ii         Using a Tablet
a.        Select the “Hamburger Button” and then >Programme Support > Permits > My permits > My Active Permits.
 b.        You will see a summary of your current permit – select “
Nights Away” (the words in blue)
 c.        You will now see the details of your permit – at the foot of page select the word RENEW

b.        The online form is partially completed: complete the remainder of the form, PLEASE NOTE: the online form can be saved for up to six months, so you can save it in part, and submit it once you have everything together, including logbooks and other supporting documents.

c.        You will be asked to nominate am accredited Nights Away Assessor. Unless you have a particular NAA in mind (which may not be anyone within your Group) please select “Internal Assessor” and Peter Shepherd in the first instance. Peter will either get in touch, or pass your application on to another NAA within Rushcliffe District.

d.        You will be asked to “Add Experience”.
Describe your experience in a way that your role and responsibilities can be properly interpreted. If you have not kept a detailed log book of Nights Away events, you should provide these sort of details either using the box provided on the online form, or alternatively you could use your own software and upload the details in MS Word, .pdf, jpg or similar format, If you drop us a line at
rs.nightsaway@gmail,com, we can send you MS Word template that may be of use.

You do not need to write a book – if you have a log book with all the events since your current/last Permit was issued or renewed, that is ideal, however if that number is more than say 10, please record 10 of the most significant events. The “Add Experience” box has a limit of 1500 characters). Alternatively you could use your own software and upload the details in MS Word, .pdf, jpg or similar format, Whichever method you use, you should include:

§ Nature of the Event e,g. “Sleepover in hall”; “International Camp”, “Scout Camp Outdoors”, “Expedition”  etc. 

§ Event Dates

§ Venue

§ Your role / involvement – We are looking for the role you undertook at the event e.g. Event Leader, Event Organiser, Joint Organiser, Activity Leader, Supporter, Chief Cook etc. etc.

$         A brief description of the event – you could also expand details of your role

If you need any help or support with this, please email us at the Rushcliffe Scouts Nights Away Team at and we will do our best to help.

e,           As indicated above, the online form can be partially completed and then saved. Once finalised, upload any supporting documentation including the log book if you have one, and submit it.

f.            The application with be processed by the named Nights Away Assessor, or it may be forwarded to another within the Rushcliffe District.

g.           You can monitor progress by signing into the Scouts online system at Scouts or


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