Adult Awards
For Leadership, Service and Commendation

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to 1st November 2024

Chief Scout's 50 Years

Service Award

Tim Kirby

Chief Scout's 15 Years

Service Award

Fiona Burrows, Giles Ward, Mark Howard,

Phil Bulmer & Simon Foulds

Chief Scout's 5 Years

Service Award

Victoria Atkins, Sarah Brimblecombe, Jane Chisholm, Katherine HIllier, Tegan Keast,

Sarah Partridge, Danielle Tildsley & Mark Wood

Gavin O'Connor

Jack Spoors & Rosie Newson

Jack Spoors & Rosie Newson

Ben Staniland, Jack Spoors

 & Tegan Keast

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to 1st August 2024

Award for Merit

Emma Bramley, Thomas Godfrey, Jeremy Green, Jennifer Howard, Michael Plimmer &

Christopher Swallow.

Chief Scout's Commendation

Alison Williams, Craig Lawton, James Hollingsworth, Jennifer Marshal, Paul Devine & Peter Mitchell

Chief Scout's 15 Years

Service Award

Rachel Farnsworth

Chief Scout's 10 Years

Service Award

Nigel Shaw

Chief Scout's 5 Years

Service Award

Andy Dyson, David Corder,

Dawn Martin,

Jane Pearce & Janice Frisby

Melanie Ratcliffe

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to 31st March 2024

Bar to the Award of Merit

Matthew Garrard

Award of Merit

Mark Howard, Jeff Turnbull, Leigh Woodward, Diane Boddy, Matt Biggs, Nigel Bates, Paul Monteney, Sean Brown & Karl Lewis

Chief Scout's Commendation

Andrew Marshall, Helen Pidgeon, Tony Carroll, Nick Steele, Holly Foley, Jennifer Boniface, Rachel Yeoman, Becky Smith, Thomas Bolt, Dominic Riggott, Abi Gray, Ken MIllar, Andrew Hamilton, Becky Howard & Alex Newson

Margaret Nurse

Alexandra Hudson

Thomas Godfrey &

Jeremy Green

Karen Allaway, Peter Hortor,

Andrew Peters &  Stephen Thorne

Richard Allen, Karen Conquest, Kinza Evans, Stecen Newbold, Edward Snowdon

& Andrew Wilson

Becky Howard

Victoria Burton, Holly Foley

& Katie Vipond

Claire Livesy, Rupert McGowan-Kemp & Ryan Till

Thomas Bee & Jordan Philips

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to 30th November 2023

Andrew Saville

Daniel Johnson, David Day, Kirsty Falcus & Peter Hortor

Ena Scott & Derrick Ferguson

Diane Boddy

Chief Scout's 15 Years

Service Award

Graham Blakey, Jeff Turnbull & Karl Lewis

Janice Bradley

Alan Lewis, Craig Lawton, Jennifer Bonniface, Justin Ashmore & Vanessa Greenhalgh

Neill Clinghan & Andrew Saville

Kirsty Falcus

Andrew Hamilton

Martin Nunn

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to June 2023

Ben Marson & Chris Keast

Bayan Mansour, Brian Hayles, Jacob Piechota, Josh Greenhalgh, Karina Thorley, Katie Lee, Kerry Bingham, Marcus Woolley, Nick Wayne, Rob Hardisty, Rob West, Rosie Newson, Samantha Kaye, Sandy Wilson, Scott Riddle & Suzanne Goodwin.

Ann Dean, David Oxby, Grant Jones,

Kiran Patel & Robert Siderfin

Alex Newson, Dom Riggott,

Helen Pidgeon, Helen Wells,

Holly Foley, Jenny Marshall & Rachel Yoeman

Alan McDonald

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to March 2023

Jean Newham

Paul Devine & Alex Fray

Peter Hortor

Hugh Avison

Richard Mansfield &

Eleni Smith-Spoors

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to February 2023

Chief Scout's Long Service Awards (Years) & Commendations:

Clare Deeming & Neil Hartley

Jenny Howard

David Chalmers & Simon Rees

Helen Auty, David Day, Ian Dickinson, Daniel Johnson, Andrew Marshall &

 Alison Williams

Wood Badges:

Daniel Clifford

Kirsty Falcus &

Jess Timson-Smith

Alistair Footitt, Craig Glover, Jeremy Fenn & Mhairi Pole

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to November 2022.

Paul Cockram

Korina Smith

James Ward, Keith Hiley & Kirsty Falcus

Katrina Thorley, Rebecca Smith & Scott Riddle

Sean Brown

Andrew Wilson & Aniesa Hussain

Andrew Marshall, Ben Marson, Catherine Riggott, Craig Lawton, David Horne, Dominic Riggott, James Hollingworth & Paul Cockram

Claire Livesey, Elissa Hawksworth, Jammi Rao & Louise Knapper

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to August 2022.

Alison Bennett, Claire Burrough, Daniel Clifford, Marsha Cockram, Lisa Drury, Martin Evley, Maria Loughran, Catherine Riggott, Kathryn Russell & Vicki Squire

Rowena Best, Ben Robertson

 & Malcom Siddons

Becky Howard, Jeff Mason & Adrian Telford

Tony Carroll, Philip Eddy, Andrew Hamilton, Katie Lee, Rosemary Newson, Nicholas Steele

& Sandy Wilson

Alex Fray, Joshua Greenhalgh, Will Shaw & Marcus Woolley

Ena Scott

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to May 2022

Margaret McPhee & Alex Sutton

Stuart Allen, Irene Carline, Nicola Coakley, Emma Hubbard, Richard Mansfield, Jeff Mason, David Oxby, Nisha Patel, Emma Pearson, Neil Saunders, Michael Taylor & Victoria Urding

Susanne Youngson

Karen Duncan, Graham Huggett & Alex Sutton

Robert Barrett, Jenny Branson, David Cook, Leanne Hughes, James Medcalf

Rachel Brown, Daniel Clifford, Abigail Gray, Josh Greenhalgh, Peter Mitchell, Jacob Piechota, Nick Waine

Dan Clifford & Katrina Thorley

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to February 2022

Simon Gillespie, Neil Younger

Stephen Thorne

Trevor Turney

Martin Crew

Simon Oliver

David Snowdon & Neil Younger

Keith Jackson, John Perrett, Sam Stephens

, Alison Bennett, Marsha Cockram,

Paul Cockram, Robert Hardisty, Tom Howes, Samantha Kaye, Beyan Mansour, Ken Millar, Catherine Riggott, Edward Welham, Robert West, Marcus Woolley

Dawn Martin, David Oxby,

Victoria Urding

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to December 2021

Andrew Saville

Maggie McPhee

Kerry Bingham, Neil Saunders, Stuart Allen Victoria Squire

Simon Gillespie

David Day

Dan Johnson & Scott Riddle

Alison Button & Andy Dyson

Stephen Thorne

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to July 2021

David Bolt, Karen Clingan, Adam Dearnley, Janine Martin, Claire Pink

David Howard

Matthew Garrard

Emma Bramley

Steven Katon,

Christopher Swallow

Thomas Bott, Elizabeth Markwick, Paul Butler, Jennifer Ewers, Victoria Urding, Christopher Milne, Helene Brinklow

Tony Carroll & Nicholas Steele

Philip Eddy

Samantha Kaye

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards to April 2021

 Graham Blakey, Peter Foale,

Malcolm Siddons

Thomas Bee, Nicola Harbourne, Richard Hill, Graham Huggett, Helen Johnson, Dan Kellett, Allyson Kingsley, Maria Lewis, Fiona Perfect, Robert Siderfin, Helen Towers

Pauline Olivant

  Andy Best & Elaine Clark

  John Asplin & Ron Shepherd

 Janet Baines, Duncan Briggs,

Paul Clarkson, Phil Lovett,

Richard Lumb, Julie March

Matthew Biggs, Peter Foale, Penny MacKay

Ben Jermy, Oliver Todd

Sean Bown, Jane Pick, Eleni Smith-Spoors, Mark Wilkinson

Emma Hubbard, Carina Russell,

Kathryn Russell

Graham Blakey

Holly Foley, Ruth Witherall

Congratulations to the following Leaders whose Long Service Awards were received to the District in February 2021

Richard Dearnley

John Dunne

Chris Roberts, Elaine Mellor,

Fiona Burrows

Ben Anderson, Brian Hayles, Claire Burrough, Maria Loughran, Jane Welham, Janine Martin, Karen Clinghn, Martin Evley,

NIsha Patel, Richard Mansfield

Congratulations to the following Leaders who have gained awards during 2020.

Penny Mackay & Neil Wykes

Andrew Peters, Glenn Batchlor,

James Ward, Janice Bradley,

Josh Kingsley, Kiren Patel,

Kirstie Phipp, Leanne Hughes,

Nigel Shaw, Simon Rees.

Geoff Briggs

Barry Roland & Paul Mason

Colin Howard, Leigh Woodward

Tricia Dernley

Allyson Kingsley, Annette Symes,

Chris Keast, Elizabeth Meylan,

Gayle Keast, Giles Ward,

Helena Dennis, Irene Carline,

Keith Herrington, Michael Beazley,

Michael Plimmer, Neill Clingan

Nigel Bates, Stephen Heffernan,

Thomas Bee

Adam Dearnley, Claire Pink,

Dan Kellett, David Bolt,

Emma Pearson, Fiona Perfect,

Helen Johnson, Helen Towers,

Ian Scott, Jen Tinsley,

Michael Taylor, Rehannah Mian,

Richard Hill

Fiona Burrows

Andrew Peters

Lee Redmile

Graham Blakey

Robert Hardisty

Andrew Hamilton, Bayan Mansour

Dave Garget, Robert West

Kathryn Russell, Nick Waine,

Robert Siderfin, Simon Foulds

Maria Lewis

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